
San Xia Bi Luo Chun Green Tea

country of origin Taiwan


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Bi Luo Chun Green Tea

Tea from the famous San Xia green tea production area from the spring harvest. Longitudinally rolled, completely unoxidized, shimmering leaves with a fresh grassy aroma and trace of citrus and meadow flowers. A clear, bright infusion of light, slightly oily but sweetly floral flavors with a slightly astringent pepperiness in the aftertaste.

How to prepare Bi Luo Chun Green Tea

Use 5 grams of tea leaves for 0.5 liter of boiling water cooled to 75–80 ᵒC, and steep for 60 seconds. Infuse the second infusion for 40 seconds and the third for 90 seconds. Feel free to experiment with steeping time, water temperature, and the amount of tea leaves. You can also read our articles on tea preparation and water quality. These tea leaves are also suitable for Asian-style preparation, which includes multiple infusions: you steep 5 grams of tea leaves per 150 ml of water that has boiled and cooled to 70–75 ᵒC for 20 seconds, and in the following three infusions, you steep the leaves for 20, 30, and 50 seconds, respectively. You can also try steeping the leaves in lukewarm water at 37 ᵒC for 7 minutes, or in slowly melting ice.


Area: Taiwan
Year: 2023
Country of origin: Taiwan